Vincenzo Ghionni

Ph.D. in Commercial Law
University of Naples School of Economics
Degree in Economics and Commerce
L’Istituto Universitario Navale di Napoli

Italian and English

Tel.: +39 06 855 0010
Fax: +39 06 8424 2253

Practice Area

Information Technology, Media and Publishing Law

Academic and Professional Appointments

  • Professional Accountant – Member of the Roll of Accountants of Naples and the Registry of  Auditors of the Italian Ministry of Justice
  • Technical consultant to the Court of Naples
  • Instructor of Communications Law, University of Naples (2001 to date)  
  • Consultant to a number of editorial and IT companies
  • Vice President of FIPED (The Italian Federation of Small Publishing Houses)
  • National Advisor of FIEG (The Italian Federation of Newspaper Editors)
  • President of UOC (Union of Communications Operators)
  • Member of the Committee on the Role of Culture in the Construction of the European Union, instituted by the Department for Community Politics of the President of the Council of Ministries
  • Member of the Commission on Community Formation in the Countries in Adhesion, instituted by the Department for Community Politics of the President of the Council of Ministries
  •  Member of the technical commission of the Italian Senate for evaluation of the European bid for the “Granting of the contracts for the document reproduction services for the Italian Senate”
  • Member of the technical commission of the Italian Senate for evaluation of the European bid for the “Granting of the contracts for the services for acquisition, composition and printing of documents for the Italian Senate”

Scientific Activity

  • Actively involved in research projects sponsored by the Region of Campania, Corecom Campania,
    and the University of Naples.

Academic and Professional Appointments

  • Editing Board of  “Diritto ed Economia dei Mezzi di Comunicazione” (“Law and Economics of Communications and Media”)
  • Author of numerous publications on the topics of IT and Media law