Our Firm
In this day of corporate compliance, how business affairs are managed and problems are addressed can make or break a company. At Astolfo Di Amato & Associati, we focus on business law. With clients ranging from Italian, foreign and multinational companies to individuals, including officers and directors, our attorneys specialize in contractual, commercial and financial matters, including complex international transactions.
The Firm is particularly noted for its expertise in litigation, international arbitration, corporate compliance and in advising individuals and companies on business and tax crime issues. Few Italian few firms can match the length and depth of our experience in these areas.
As a result of Prof. Avv. Astolfo Di Amato’s eighteen years of judicial experience, our Firm knows how Italian judges think and how best to anticipate their actions. Moreover, our academic involvement keeps us constantly abreast of the latest legal and political developments. For over 25 years, Prof. Avv. Di Amato has served as a professor at the University of Naples, while Partner Alessio Di Amato is a professor of civil, corporate and business law at the University of Salerno. Several other firm members are university instructors and to complement our in-house team, a number of leading academics serve as counsel to the Firm.
A prolific writer, Prof. Avv. Astolfo Di Amato has published 29 books and more than 200 articles on business law and criminal law. He is the director of Trattato di diritto penale dell’impresa (“Treatise on Business Crimes”), and the law reviews Rivista di diritto dell’impresa (“The Business Law Review”) and Diritto ed Economia dei Mezzi di Comunicazione (“Law and Economics of Communications and Media”). Prof. Avv. Di Amato also serves on a number of prominent government commissions and corporate boards.
Other particularly prominent practice areas for the Firm include agency, distributorship, franchising and product liability. In recent years, we have handled hundreds of product liability matters, regularly acting for major Italian-based companies in granting rights in most jurisdictions in the world, as well as foreign based entities granting rights in Italy and abroad. And while our client base covers a wide spectrum of industries, we are particularly active in the manufacturing, fashion, transportation, consumer products, construction, sports and banking areas.
As an independent law firm, we are well placed to avoid conflicts of interest. And while autonomy is paramount to us, so is closely collaborating with co-counsel, whether they be in-house attorneys or members of other firms jointly representing a client.

Office Locations
Via Nizza 59 | 00198 | Italy
Tel +39 06 855 0010 PBX |
Fax +39 06 8424 2253
Via Domenico Morelli 24 | 80121 | Italy
Tel +39 081 245 7510 PBX | Fax +39 081 245 7066