Sergio Di Amato

J.D. University of Rome – La Sapienza (1969) 

Italy – Lower Courts (2018)
Italy – Supreme Court 2018

Italian and French

Tel.: +39 06 855 0010
Fax: +39 06 8424 2253

Practice Area

Corporate and Commercial; Litigation and Arbitration; Banking, Finance; Administrative Law; Reorganisation and Insolvency.

Academic Appointments

  • since 2013, adjunct professor of “Law of company crises” at Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali “Guido Carli” in Rome;
  • lecturer, from academic years 2001-2002 to 2009-2010, giving courses on civil and commercial law, in the School for specialisation in the legal professions at the Tor Vergata University of Rome;
  • member of the management Board of the School for specialisation in the legal professions established in the Faculty of Law of the Tor Vergata University of Rome
  • from 1 March 1998 to 31 October 2001, member, as expert in commercial and insolvency law, of the scientific committee of the High Council of the Judiciary for the training and professional updating of magistrates;

Professional Experience:

  • from 2015 to 2018 section president of the Supreme Court of Cassation;
  • from 2013 to 2018 member of the United civil sections of the Supreme Court of Cassation;
  • from 1998 to 2007 and from 2012 to 2015 Judgement Drafting Judge of the First Civil Section of the Supreme Court of Cassation;
  • from 2007 to 2012 director general of magistrates at the Italian Ministry of Justice;
  • from 1998 to 2004 manager of the legislative archives of the Electronic Documentation Centre (C.E.D.) of the Court of Cassation and president of the C.E.D. Control and Updating Centre;
  • from 1985 to 1995 bankruptcy judge at the insolvency Section of the Court of Rome


      • – Credito fondiario, fallimento ed interessi moratori (Secured credit, bankruptcy, and default interest), in Dir. fall. 1992, I, 622
      • – Il divieto di azioni esecutive (The prohibition of enforcement actions), in Diritto fallimentare (Insolvency Law), series edited by Ivo Greco, Milano vol. II, 1994, pp. 113-150;
      • – Prededucibilità del credito concesso al debitore per il deposito delle spese (The pre-deductible nature of credit granted to the debtor for the depositing of charges), in Fall. 1996, 283
      • – Fallimento della società che ha trasferito la sede all’estero (Bankruptcy of a company that has transferred its registered office abroad), in Imprenditori anomali e fallimento, Cedam 1997, pp. 155-158;
      • – Non revocabilità dell’atto compiuto prima dell’insorgere del requisito soggettivo di fallibilità, osservazioni a App. Roma 18 marzo 1996 (The non-revocable nature of an action performed before the emergence of the subjective fallibility requisite, comments on App. Rome 18 March 1996) in Riv. Cur. fall. 1997, 2, 22-23;
      • – Crisi dell’impresa: le procedure concorsuali (Company crises: insolvency proceedings), in Manuale di diritto civile (Civil law manual) by Pietro Perlingieri, Napoli 1997- VI ed. 2007, 812-832;
      • – Gli effetti del fallimento rispetto ai creditori: il divieto di azioni esecutive individuali (The effects of bankruptcy on creditors: the prohibition of individual enforcement actions), in various authors. Il fallimento e le altre procedure concorsuali (Bankruptcy and other insolvency procedures), UTET, Torino 1999, pp. 447-484;
      • – Gli effetti del fallimento sugli atti pregiudizievoli ai creditori: la revocatoria fallimentare in generale (The effects of bankruptcy on actions that are compromising to creditors: bankruptcy clawback in general), in various authors. Il fallimento e le altre procedure concorsuali (Bankruptcy and other insolvency procedures), UTET, Torino 1999, pp. 5-50;
      • -“Prove di giudicato” del decreto di rigetto dell’istanza di fallimento (“Proof of judgement” of the rejection of the bankruptcy petition), in Fall. 2001, 160-163;
      • – I presupposti dell’azione del curatore (Mandatory conditions for the action of the receiver), proceedings of the Bologna Convention held from 27-28 October 2000, Le responsabilità nel fallimento societario (Liabilities in company bankruptcy), edited by Massimo Ferro, Ipsoa, 2001, 12-27;
      • – Il principio di trasparenza e le esigenze di riservatezza nell’accesso del fallito agli atti della procedura (The principle of transparency and the bankrupt company’s need for confidentiality when accessing the insolvency deeds) in Fall. 2002, 492-498;
      • – La revocatoria fallimentare dei pagamenti (Bankruptcy clawback of payments), in various authors La tutela dei crediti nel giusto processo di fallimento (Credit protection in the correct bankruptcy process), edited by A. Didone and P. Filippi, Giuffrè, 2002, pp. 317-334; • – Le procedure di insolvenza negli Stati membri dell’Unione Europea: competenza, legge applicabile ed efficacia transfrontaliera (Insolvency procedures in the member states of the European Union: competence, applicable law and transnational effectiveness), in Fall. 2002, 693-703;
      • Il fallimento delle società di persone: interventi della Corte costituzionale e prospettive di riforma (Bankruptcy in partnerships: interventions of the Constitutional Court and reform prospects), proceedings of the Padua Conference held from 6-7 April 2001 La riforma del diritto societario da Mirone a Rovelli (The reform of corporate law from Mirone to Rovelli), edited by Giuseppe Limitone, Ipsoa, 2002, pp. 147-162;
      • – L’azione di responsabilità ex art. 146 l. fall. alle soglie della riforma del diritto societario (An action for liability pursuant to article 146 of the Insolvency law on the cusp of the reform of corporate law), in Dir. fall. 2003, I, pp. 20-70;
      • – Le azioni di responsabilità nella nuova disciplina della società a responsabilità limitata (Actions for liability in the new regulations governing the limited liability company), in Giur. comm. 2003, I, pp. 286-307; • – Principio di effettività e principio di affidamento nella individuazione della decorrenza dei termini per la dichiarazione di fallimento dell’ex imprenditore e dell’ex socio illimitatamente responsabile (Principle of effectiveness and principle of legitimate expectation in identifying the time limits for the declaration of bankruptcy by the fully liable ex-businessperson and ex-partner), in Fall. 2002, 1043-1051;
      • – Commento agli artt. 2363-2371 cod. civ. (Comment on articles 2363-2371 of the Italian Civil Code) in La riforma del diritto societario (The reform of corporate law) edited by G. Lo Cascio – Società per azioni (Joint stock companies) vol. 4°, Giuffrè 2003, pp. 261-336;
      • – Commento all’art. 2476 cod. Civ. (Comment on Article 2479 of the Italian Civil Code) in La riforma del diritto societario (Corporate law reform) edited by G. Lo Cascio – Società a responsabilità limitata (Limited liability companies), vol. 8°, Giuffrè 2003, pp. 197-224;
      • – Fallimento in estensione: le sezioni unite scelgono il valore della certezza del diritto (Bankruptcy extension: the united sections choose the value of the certainty of law), in Fall. 2003, 385-390;
      • – Fallimento e vendita d’azienda (Bankruptcy and company sale) in Dir. fall. 2003, I, 1698-1706;
      • – Le responsabilità degli amministratori e le azioni di responsabilità (Directors’ liabilities and actions for liability) in La riforma del diritto societario (Corporate law reform), in Journal no. 139 of the High Council of the Judiciary, Roma 2004, 267-292;
      • – Ancora sull’accesso del fallito agli atti della procedura (More on a bankrupt company’s access to the insolvency deeds), in Fall. 2004, 435-438;
      • – Inefficacia ex art. 64 l. fall. e questioni controverse in tema di garanzie e pagamenti (Ineffectiveness pursuant to article 64 of the Insolvency Law and controversial issues regarding guarantees and payments) in Giur. comm. 2004, I, 1114-1131.
      • – Crisi dell’impresa: le procedure concorsuali (Company crises: insolvency proceedings), in Instituzioni di diritto civile (Civil law institutions) by Pietro Perlingieri, Napoli 2005- 433-439;
      • – Le rimesse di conto corrente (Current account transfers) in Il nuovo diritto della crisi di impresa e del fallimento (New law on company crises and bankruptcy), various authors edited by Fabrizio di Marzio, Itaedizioni, 2006, pp. 213-227;
      • – Gli effetti del fallimento sul mandato e sugli altri contratti previsti dall’art. 78 l. fall. (The effects of bankruptcy on the mandate and on the other contracts envisaged by article 78 of the Insolvency law), in Trattato delle procedure concorsuali (Treatise on insolvency proceedings)– Vol. 2. Le azioni revocatorie. I rapporti preesistenti (Bankruptcy clawback actions. Pre-existent relations), various authors Edited by Lucio Ghia, Carlo Piccininni, Fausto Severini, UTET, 2010, pp. 519-540;
      • – Responsabilità degli amministratori e fallimento (Directors’ liabilities and bankruptcy), in Treatise on insolvency procedures – Vol. 3. Gli organi del fallimento e la liquidazione dell’attivo (Bankruptcy bodies and asset liquidation), various authors Edited by Lucio Ghia, Carlo Piccininni, Fausto Severini, UTET, 2010, pp. 769-844;
      • – Commento agli artt. 2363-2371 cod. civ. (Comment on articles 2363-2371 of the Italian Civil Code) in Le Assemblee nelle s.p.a. (Shareholders’ meetings in joint stock companies) (with Muscolo and Sciumbata) – Giuffrè 2011, pp. 1-95;
      • – Fallimento e credito di rivalsa IVA del professionista: un falso problema (Bankruptcy and VAT credit of the professional: a false problem), note to Cass. 11 April 2011, no. 8222 in Dir. fall. 2011, II, 441-451;
      • – Gli effetti del fallimento rispetto ai creditori: il divieto di azioni esecutive individuali (The effects of bankruptcy on creditors: the ban on individual enforcement procedures), in Il fallimento e le altre procedure concorsuali (Bankruptcy and the other insolvency proceedings), II ed., vol. I, UTET, 2012, pp. 273-316;
      • – Gli effetti del fallimento sugli atti pregiudizievoli ai creditori: il divieto di azioni esecutive individuali (The effects of bankruptcy on actions that are compromising to creditors: the ban on individual enforcement procedures), in Il fallimento e le altre procedure concorsuali (Bankruptcy and other insolvency proceedings), II ed., vol. II, UTET, 2012, pp. 5-55;
      • – La disclosure degli interessi degli amministratori ed il controllo del collegio sindacale (Disclosure of the directors’ interests and the control of the board of auditors), note to Cass. 17 December 2018, no. 32573; currently being published


      • – Ritardi e responsabilità disciplinare dei magistrati: l’onda della riforma giunge in Cassazione (Delays and disciplinary responsibilities of magistrates: the wave of reform reaches the Court of Cassation) , note to Cass. united sections 14697/2010, in Cass. pen. 2011, 915-936;
      • -I limiti al sindacato disciplinare sul merito delle decisioni (The limits to judicial review of the merits of decisions), note to High Council of the Judiciary judgement no. 154/2010: in Cass. pen. 2011, pp. 2373-2397;
      • -Titolarità dell’azione disciplinare nei confronti dei magistrati e poteri del Ministro della giustizia (Ownership of the disciplinary action against magistrates and powers of the Ministry of Justice), in Cass. pen., 2011, pp. 2833-2855;
      • – Responsabilità disciplinare dei magistrati e misure cautelari (Disciplinary liability of magistrates and cautionary measures) in Cass. pen., 2011, pp. 4077-4110;
      • – Dalle Sezioni unite una non convincente affermazione della ritrattabilità dell’azione disciplinare (From the united sections, an unconvincing affirmation of the renegotiable nature of the disciplinary action), note to Cass. united sections 5 July 2011, no. 14664, in Cass. pen., 2012, pp. 67-72;
      • – L’azione disciplinare del Ministro della Giustizia: una misura di salvaguardia del sistema e non una sconveniente ingerenza (The disciplinary action of the Ministry of Justice: a measure for safeguarding the system and not an inappropriate form of interference), in Proceedings of the conference “Riformare il giudice disciplinare dei magistrati?” (Should the disciplinary judge of the magistrates be reformed?) High Council of the Judiciary, Rome, 12 December 2011, Journal. no. 158 of the High Council of the Judiciary, Rome 2012, 115-118;
      • – La responsabilità disciplinare dei magistrati: gli illeciti – le sanzioni – il procedimento (The disciplinary liability of magistrates – offences – sanctions – procedure) – Giuffrè, 2013, 1-619;
      • – Il sindacato disciplinare sui provvedimenti (Judicial review of provisions), in proceedings of the Convention “La giustizia disciplinare nelle professioni legali” (“Disciplinary justice in the legal professions”), Camerino 14-15 September 2012, Napoli 2014, pp. 87-108 • – Errore del giudice e responsabilità civile dopo la riforma della legge Vassalli (Judicial error and civil liability following the reform of the Vassalli law), in, editorial of 3 June 2015
      • – Il ricorso per cassazione avverso i provvedimenti in materia disciplinare del Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura (Appeal to the Court of Cassation against the disciplinary provisions of the High Council of the Judiciary), in Didone–De Santis (editor), I processi civili in Cassazione, (Civil trials in the Court of Cassation) Milano 2018, pp. 1085-1117.


      • – Processo del lavoro e procedimento per la repressione della condotta antisindacale (Employment cases and procedure for repressing anti-trade union conduct), in Giust. civ. 1975, IV, 147-162;
      • – Diversa durata secondo il sesso del diritto al mantenimento del posto di lavoro e art. 37 Cost. (Different duration of the right to maintain the position of employment according to the worker’s sex and article 37 of the Constitution), in Giust. civ. 1975, I, 1734-1738;
      • – Omissione contributiva e tutela della posizione assicurativa del lavoratore (Failure to pay contributions and protection of the worker’s social insurance status), in Giust. civ. 1975, I, 477-488;
      • – Sul rapporto di lavoro dei dipendenti di enti pubblici economici (On the working relationship of employees of public economic entities), comments in Pret. Civitavecchia 29 April 1975, in Giust. civ. 1976, III, 81;
      • – L’art. 429 c.p.c. e la natura del credito di lavoro (Article 429 of the Code of Civil Procedure and the nature of employment credit), in Giust. civ. 1977, I, 171-174;
      • – Ancora sulla competenza del pretore a conoscere dell’opposizione al decreto ex art. 28 dello statuto dei lavoratori. (More on the competence of the judge of first instance to know of opposition to the decree pursuant to article 28 of the worker’s charter), in Giust. civ. 1977, I, 1056-1059;
      • – (with A. Franchini) L’occupazione giovanile (Employment of young people)– II ed. – Roma, 1979, pp. 1-237;
      • – La regolamentazione del diritto di sciopero e l’esperienza dell’autodisciplina (Regulation of the right to strike and the experience of self-discipline), in Rassegna parlamentare, 1986, no. 4, pp. 403-415. 


      • – (with A. Di Amato- A. Freni – M. Massella), Il regime dei suoli edificabili (The buildable land regime) – IV ed., Roma, 1981, pp. 1-179;
      • – (with A. Di Amato and M. Massella), Le locazioni degli immobili urbani (Urban property leases)– V ed. – Roma, 1985, pp. 1-442;
      • – Le locazioni non abitative (Non-residential leases) – II ed., Roma, 1985, pp. 1-243;
      • – (with A. Di Amato – V. Ragonesi – G. Sabeone) Guida alla preselezione informatica – diritto civile (Guide to IT pre-selection civil law) – Giuffrè, 2000, pp. 1-779;
      • -Il nuovo sistema d’informatica giuridica del Centro elettronico di documentazione della Corte di cassazione italiana (The new legal IT system of the Electronic Documentation Centre of the Italian Court of Cassation), in Giust. civ. 2004, II, 419-425.
  • • – Spunti sulla nozione di trasferimento e sulla natura dei limiti ad esso imposti dall’art. 13 dello statuto dei lavoratori. (Ideas about the notion of transferral and on the nature of the restrictions set on the same by article 13 of the workers’ charter) , in Giust. civ. 1974, I, 1184-1191;