Raffaella Argenzio

University of Naples (2001)

Italy – Lower Courts (2004)

Italian, English and Spanish


Tel.: +39 081 245 7510
Fax: +39 081 245 7066

Practice Area

Banking, Finance and Capital Markets; Business Crimes and Investigations; Corporate and Commercial; Intellectual Property;
Insolvency and Restructuring; Litigation and Dispute Resolution

Representative Matters

  • Assisting a major Southern Italian bank with its corporate matters and recovery of credits
  • Advising two medical clinics on their corporate, commercial and medical malpractice issues.
  • Representing a leading manufacturer of transportation systems with all corporate and commercial matters including major acquisitions and public bids.
  • Assisting numerous investors in litigation related to junk bonds.


Books and Treatises

  • “La Partecipazione” (Chapter VII “Quotaholding”); “Circolazione della Partecipazione” (Chapter VIII “Circulation of Quotaholdings”); “Recesso ed Esclusione del Socio” (Chapter IX “Withdrawal and Exclusion of the Quotaholder” ) in “Le S.r.L. – Strategie processuali e ambiti applicativi”(“S.r.L. – Procedural Strategies and Applications”) by Astolfo Di Amato (Padua: Cedam 2011)


    • “Rendiconto e bilancio nelle società di persone”(“Financial Statements and Balance Sheets in Partnerships”), Bilancio e Reddito di Impresa (“Balance Sheets and Business Income”), n. 7/2010 (IPSOA)
    • “Il reato di bancarotta documentale semplice e fraudolenta” (“The Crime of Simple and Fraudulent Documental Bankruptcy”), Bilancio e Reddito di Impresa (“Balance Sheets and Business Income”), n. 2/2010 (IPSOA)
    • “Trust: così l’ordinamento italiano” (“Trusts: The Italian System”), Il Denaro (January 17, 2009)
    • Internet providers: ecco le responsabilità” (“Internet Providers: Liability”), Il Denaro (December 9, 2006)
    • “Il processo telematico” (“The Telecommunications Process”), Appunti di Diritto dei Mezzi di Comunicazione– Naples, ESI (2006 2nd edition)
    • “Guida al codice del consumo” (“A Guide to the Consumer Code”), Il Denaro (December 10, 2005)
    • “Revocatoria fallimentare: cosa cambia”(“Bankruptcy Revocation: What has Changed”),  Il Denaro (June 4, 2005)
    • “Trasformazione di società: le regole” (“Company Transformation: The Rules”), Il Denaro (March 13, 2004)
    • “Tre categorie per i patti parasociali” (“Three Catagories for Shareholders’ Agreements”), Il Denaro (October 11, 2003)
    • “Gli accordi di interconnessione”(“Interconnection Agreements”), Diritto ed economia dei mezzi di comunicazione, 2003, 2
    • “Pubblicità via e-mail: occorre il consenso” (“E-mail Advertising: The Necessity of Consent”), Il Denaro, (March 22, 2003)
    • “Quorum ridotto se previsto dallo statuto. Assemblee di seconda convocazione nelle Srl: ecco quando la procedura è semplificata” (“Reduced Quorum if Allowed by Statute, Second Call of the S.r.l. Meeting: When the Procedure is Simplified”), Il Denaro (August 3, 2002)