Giorgio Pierantoni

University of Rome – La Sapienza (2004)

Italy – Lower Courts (2007)

Italian and English


Tel.: +39 06 855 0010
Fax: +39 06 8424 2253


Practice Area

Corporate and Commercial; Litigation and Arbitration; Agency, Distributorship, and Franchising Law; Banking, Finance; Business and Tax Crimes; Administrative Law;
Information Technology; Sports Law, Entertainment and Media Law.

Representative Matters

  • Advising the Italian branch of a preeminent international media corporation on regulatory issues, including antitrust and communications issues matters.
    • Counseling an international financial services company on all of its corporate, commercial and regulatory matters, including its corporate compliance program in observance with Legislative Decree 231/01.
    • Defending a major multinational producer of cement asbestos in relation to almost 3,000 claims brought against the company for asbestos-related deaths and illnesses. Representation includes both the civil and criminal aspects of the matter;
    • Representing an individual in connection with charges of fraud and tax evasion

Academic Activities

  • Lecturer of Commercial Law – LUISS University (2008 to date)
  • Instructor of Commercial Law – University of Salerno (2005 to date)


  • Books and Treatises:
  • • Contributor – Codice di Diritto Penale delle Imprese e delle Società”(“Code of Criminal Law of Businesses and Companies”) by Astolfo Di Amato (Milan: Giuffrè 2011)
    • Contributor – Diritto Penale dell’Impresa (“Business Crimes”) by Astolfo Di Amato (Milan: Giuffrè 2011 (7th edition)

  • Articles:
  • • “Distinte condotte di bancarotta nello stesso fallimento danno luogo a concorso di reati” (“Distinct Bankruptcy Conducts in the Same Insolvency can Result in Several Offenses”), Il Denaro (February, 2012)
  • • “Il fenomeno del linking anche alla luce delle osservazioni dell’Autorità antitrust nel procedimento Fieg/Google” (“The Linking Phenomenon, also in light of Observations of the Antitrust Authority in the Fieg/Google Proceeding”), Diritto ed Economia Dei mezzi di Comunicazione n. 1/2011)
  • • “Il caso dell’alluvione di Sarno. L’obbligo di garanzia ed i poteri impeditivi dell’evento” (“The Sarno Flood Case. The Obligation to Guarantee and Powers to Impede the Event”), Il Denaro (August 2011)
  • • “La sostituzione delle delibere annullabili – Nota a Tribunale di Salerno 23 giugno 2009” (“The Substitution of Cancellable Resolutions” – Note to the Salerno Court of June 23, 2009”), Le Corti Salernitane”, n.4/10
  • • “Aiuti di Stato al Servizio Pubblico di Radiodiffusione: la Commissione aggiorna la Comunicazione del 2001” (“State Aid to Public Service Broadcasting: The Commission Updates the 2001 Communication”), Diritto ed Economia Dei mezzi di Comunicazione”, n. 2/09
  • • “Pratica concordata: un solo incontro tra aziende interessate determina restrizione della concorrenza” (“Concerted Practice: a Single Meeting between Interested Companies can Create a Restriction on Competition”), Il Denaro (August, 2009)
  • • “Firma elettronica: ecco i casi di reato” (“Digital Signatures: Here are the Criminal Cases”), Il Denaro (May 24, 2008)
  • • “Una persona giuridica può essere nominata amministratore di una S.r.l.?” (“Can a Legal Person be Nominated as an Administrator of an S.r.l.?”), Il Denaro (August 2007)
  • • “La nuova disciplina del Codice De Lise” (“The New Discipline of the De Lise Code”), “AR – Bimestrale dell’Ordine degli Architetti di Roma e Provincia” (March- April 2006)
  • • “Il diritto di prelazione del promotore nel project financing: come cambia dopo la Comunitaria 2004” (“The Promoter’s Right of Preemption in Project Financing: How does it Change after the 2004 Community Law”) AR – Bimestrale dell’Ordine degli Architetti di Roma e Provincia (September – October 2005)