Avv. Francesco Scutiero
Dottore di Ricerca

Masters in Law and Economics
LUISS Guido Carli University (2004)
University of Salerno (2003)

Italy – Lower Courts (2007)

Italian and English


Tel.: +39 081 245 7510
Fax: +39 081 245 7066


Practice Area

Banking, Finance and Capital Markets; Business Crimes and Investigations; Corporate and Commercial; Litigation, Arbitration and Dispute Resolution;
Reorganization and Insolvency; Sports, Entertainment and Media Law

Representative Matters

  • Representing the client – an entrepreneur and a former member of Parliament – with respect to fraudulent bankruptcy charges.
  • Advising a construction company on a series of bankruptcy proceedings pending before the Italian Supreme Court.
  • Assisting the client – a provider of energy and clean water on the Isle of Capri – with its administrative and contractual issues.
  • Defending a major multinational producer of cement asbestos in relation to almost 3,000 claims brought against the company for asbestos-related deaths and illnesses. Representation includes both the civil and criminal aspects of the matter.
  • Counseling a consortium of goldsmiths with respect to all of their corporate, contractual and litigation issues.
  • Advising a multinational mineral company on corporate, mineral rights and administrative law matters.
  • Representing one of the highest level officials of the F.I.G.C. (Federazione Italiana Gioco Calcio – i.e., the Italian Soccer Federation) on a variety of charges including, but not limited to, bribery and fraud, in relation to the Italian Soccer Scandal.

Academic Activities

  • Research fellow in Commercial Law, University of Naples
  • Research fellow in Criminal Law of Organizations, University of Salerno


  • Società per azioni: tutte le tutele  (“S.p.A.:The Regulations”), Il Denaro (November 22, 2008)
  • Interessi legittimi: così la responsabilità (“Legittimate Interests: Here is the Liability”), Il Denaro, (November 25, 2006)
  • Fideiussioni, così il regolamento (“Guarantees: Here is How They are Regulated”), Il Denaro, (October 15, 2005)
  • Correntisti falliti: così la revocatoria  (“Insolvent Account Holders: The Revocatory Action”), Il Denaro, (February 12, 2005)
  • L’invalidità delle delibere assembleari tra prassi giurisprudenziale e correttivi normativi (“The Invalidity of Shareholders’ Meeting Deliberations between the General Rules of Law and The Corrective Rule”), Riv. Le Corti Salernitane, vol. 1, 2006
  • Rilievi sulle fideiussioni societarie, interesse sociale ed ottica di gruppo  (“Remarks on Company Bank Guarantees, the Social Interests and the View of the Group”) Riv. Le Corti Salernitane, vol. 5, 2005