Anna Maria Rosaria Carbone

J.D. (108/110) LUISS Guido Carli University (2001)

Italy – Lower Courts (2004)

Italian and English


Tel.: +39 06 855 0010
Fax: +39 06 8424 2253


Practice Area

Agency, Distributorship, and Franchising Law; Business Crimes and Investigations; Corporate and Commercial; Environmental; Intellectual Property; Litigation and Dispute Resolution: Reorganization and Insolvency

Representative Matters

  • Defending a major multinational producer of cement asbestos in relation to almost 3,000 claims brought against the company for asbestos-related deaths and illnesses. Representation includes both the civil and criminal aspects of the matter.
  • Representing an Italian movie studio with the corporate and commercial issues relating to the studio operations and its relationships with other domestic and international media companies.
  • Advising a top tier Italian fashion house on its corporate and commercial matters and in particular its intellectual and industrial property rights.
  • Assisting a major manufacturer of synthetic construction materials in relation to its product liability and commercial issues.
  • Advising numerous clients on their intellectual and industrial property rights, in particular issues relating to trademarks, unfair competition and advertising law.

Academic Activities

  • Lecturer of Commercial Law – LUISS University (2008 to date)
  • Instructor of Commercial Law – University of Salerno (2003 to date)


    • Le conseguenze della mancata nomina dell’organo di controllo nelle società a responsabilità limitata (“The Consequences of Failing to Appoint a Board of Control in an S.r.L.”), Bilancio e Reddito di Impresa (“Balance Sheets and Business Income”), n. 3/2012 (IPSOA)
    • “L’illegale ripartizione degli utili e delle riserve” (“The Illegal Sharing of Profits and Reserves”), Bilancio e Reddito di Impresa (“Balance Sheets and Business Income”)n. 5/2011 (IPSOA)
    • Diritto di ispezione dei documenti sociali nelle società di persone(“The Right to Inspect Documents of a Partnership”), Bilancio e Reddito di Impresa (“Balance Sheets and Business Income”), n. 8/2010 (IPSOA)
    • “Assemblea: l’illecita influenza” (“Shareholders’ Meetings: Illicit Influence”), Il Denaro (May 15, 2010)
    • L’annullabilità delle delibere di approvazione del bilancio d’esercizio delle S.p.A”(“The Voidability of Deliberations Approving the Balance Sheet of an S.p.A.”), Rivista Pratica Contabile (“Accounting Practice Magazine”), n. 11/2009 (IPSOA)
    • “Rassegna della giurisprudenza della Corte europea dei diritti dell’uomo sulla libertà di espressione e di stampa” (“Review of the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights on Freedom of Expression and the Press”), Diritto ed Economia dei Mezzi di Comunicazione (“Law and Economics of Communications and Media”),n. 2/2009
    •  “Cantieri: modifiche al Testo Unico” (“Shipyards: Changes to the Consolidate Law), Il Denaro (June 6, 2009)
    • “Legge fallimentare: i nuovi requisiti” (“Bankruptcy Law: The New Prerequisites”), Il Denaro (April 12, 2008)
    • “Il profili penali del phishing” (“The Criminal Law Profile of Phishing”), Diritto ed Economia dei Mezzi di Comunicazione (“Law and Economics of Communications and Media”), n. 3/2007
    • “Il contratto di agenzia diventa europeo” (“The Agency Contract Becomes European”), Il Denaro (April 7, 2007)
    • “Guida alla nuova legge sul risparmio” (“Guide to the New Savings Law”), Il Denaro (April 22, 2006)
    • “Prezzi imposti: guida alla disciplina” (“Imposed prices: The Guide to the Discipline”), Il Denaro (May 21, 2005)
    • “S.r.L.: così il controllo legale dei conti”(“S.r.L.: This is the Legal Control of the Accounts), Il Denaro (May 22, 2004)
    • “Ambiente e occupazione, interessi in conflitto” (“Environment and Occupation, Conflicts of Interest”), Il Denaro (April 12, 2003)
    • “Pubblicità occulta, questi i limiti”(“Subliminal Advertising, These are the Limits”), Il Denaro (November 16, 2002)
    • Contributor – Codice di Diritto Penale delle Imprese e delle Società”(“Code of Criminal Law of Businesses and Companies”) by Astolfo Di Amato (Milan: Giuffrè 2011)
    • Contributor – Diritto Penale dell’Impresa (“Business Crimes”) by Astolfo Di Amato (Milan: Giuffrè 2011 (7th edition))
    • Contributing author – La Responsabilità Penale da Amianto (“The Criminal Law on Asbestos”) by Astolfo Di Amato (Milan: Giuffrè 2003)